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Letters Provided by
Mental Health Providers

Emotional Support Animal Letter

What is an Emotional Support Animal (ESA)?

An animal that does not require training to do work, perform tasks, provide assistance, or provide therapeutic emotional support by virtue of its presence which alleviates one or more identified symptoms of effects of a person's disability.   

What are the laws associated to an ESA?


The Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) paves the way so that you can travel with your ESA on an airplane, so long as you can provide your legal ESA letter.  Many airlines also have additional requirements, such as veterinary health reports, a doctor’s note, and extra forms. They will assess pets on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, give the airline as much notice as possible so they can make all the arrangements for you to travel with your ESA.

The Fair Housing Act (FHA) protects you and your emotional support animal in Florida.  You cannot be evicted or charged extra for having your ESA live with you in public accommodation, so long as you can provide proof (your ESA letter) that you need your ESA with you.  By law, landlords and homeowner’s associations must provide reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities.  The Fair Housing Act also applies to campuses at college and universities in Florida. So long as you have your ESA letter, housing providers, condominium associations and community associations must provide you with reasonable accommodation.


What is a legal ESA letter?

Your ESA Letter Needs to Contain:

  • Confirmation that you have a diagnosed mental health condition or emotional disability.

  • Details about your need for an ESA for your mental wellbeing and treatment.

  • A signature from your licensed mental health professional (LMHP). The letter needs to include the license number, issue date, and state where they are licensed.

ESA Basic Package - $250

Covers the appointment with a licensed mental health professional and the letter documenting the need for an ESA.  In addition, our clinicians will provide any additional forms you may need such as airline forms or additional housing forms.  We will provide this service for 12 months after the date of issuance of your initial ESA letter.  


ESA Renewal Package - $150

Covers the appointment with a licensed mental health professional and the letter documenting the continued need for an ESA.  

*Prior to receiving an ESA letter each clinician will review

each individual's case and any pertaining laws and rules*




Letter in Support of Academic Accommodations

In the state of Florida as a student you are allowed to request accommodation based on the presence of a disability.  A disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one of more major life event.  Although our clinicians are happy to provide such documentation it is important to develop a treatment plan which gives you a clear idea of how long you will need to be in treatment before qualifying for this letter of referral.    

(Information Based on 2023 Florida Statutes)

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